
Debugging mode

P2PD has a simple log file that is written to when debug mode is enabled. The path to this log file is in the same directory that code gets executed from. To enable debug mode use either:

export P2PD_DEBUG=1
set P2PD_DEBUG=1

In the terminal. The logs can then be viewed by either:

cat program.log
type program.log

You can filter for just the P2P messages with grep:

cat program.log | grep p2p:

Running tests

P2PD has unit tests to check basic functionality works. These tests offer helpful hints if individual components are working on different platforms. Though the tests tend not to be as well maintained as the main project; Located in the tests folder. The normal way to run them is to change to the tests directory and run:

python3 -m unittest

Individual files can also be run and individual tests ran by executing:

python3 -m unittest file_name.ClassName.test_func_name

I have briefly experimented with running tests concurrently for speed.

python3 -m pip install -U pytest
python3 -m pip install pytest-asyncio
python3 -m pip install pytest-xdist
pytest -n 8

Real world simulation

There is a program designed to do a real-world simulation of all parts of the software. It is capable of simulating protocol message exchange between nodes (with and without networking); controlling the interfaces used for a node; simulating failures; simulating node protocol replies; and more. The program is called ‘’.

A useful choice in this program is option 0. The code can be changed to make a node register its address at the name servers. Then connect to that node using whatever combination of techniques are desired. One way to use this approach is you can have any device you control run manual_test_p2p and register its name then connect to its name on another machine.

sig_pipe_no = number of MQTT server cons (0 for no networking)
addr_types =
    EXT_BIND (allow external connectivity)
    NIC_BIND (allow internal connectivity)
ifs = list of interfaces to use for nodes
same_if = use same interface for all nodes
multi_ifs = use multiple interfaces for nodes (only if host has them)
use_strats = [
    P2P_DIRECT = direct connect
    P2P_REVERSE = reverse connect
    P2P_PUNCH = tcp hole punching
    P2P_RELAY = udp TURN relay

Building the docs

These docs use restructured text and need some dependencies to build.

python3 -m pip install sphinx
python3 -m pip install myst-parser
python3 -m pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
python3 -m pip install readthedocs-sphinx-search

The docs can be built with this command:

cd docs
python3 -m source html

Then you can open html/index.html.