
Here is a collection of example(s) that use P2PD in some form.


There exists various Python frameworks for building REST APIs. But what many people don’t realize is the Python standard library already supports enough of HTTP that a library isn’t often isn’t required. Python is able to parse HTTP requests and responses into objects that are quite easy to use - though the location of these features in the standard library isn’t that intuitive.

I’ve built a simple module that accesses these features. Using this module you can now easily build a TCP / UDP / IPv4 / IPv6 async REST API in Python. Here’s an example of that.

from p2pd import *

class NetInfoServer(Daemon):
    async def msg_cb(self, msg, client_tup, pipe):
        # Parse HTTP message and handle CORS.
        req = await rest_service(msg, client_tup, pipe)
        async def get_response():
            # Show information of the connection to the peer.
            p = req.api("/mapping")
            if p:
                sock = pipe.sock
                return {
                    "error": 0,
                    "fd": sock.fileno(),
                    "laddr": sock.getsockname(),
                    "raddr": sock.getpeername(),
                    "route": pipe.route.to_dict(),
                    "if": {
                        "name": pipe.route.interface.name
            # Fallback and serve all other purposes.
            return {
                "error": 2,
                "msg": "method not implemented"
        resp = await get_response()
        if resp is not None:
            await send_json(

async def start_server():
    netifaces = await init_p2pd()
    # Default interface of your machine.
    # netifaces.interfaces() for names
    # or await load_interfaces() for a started list.
    i = await Interface(netifaces=netifaces).start()
    # Server object inherits from a standard Daemon.
    server = NetInfoServer()
    # Makes a Route aware of all Routes used for the server.
    # Might do this automatically in the future.
    # Defines addresses and protocols to listen on.
    # Feel free to switch this up.
    await server.listen_all(
        # Listen on all routes for IP4 and IPv6.
        [i.rp[IP4], i.rp[IP6]],

        # Port(s) to listen on.

        # Interested in TCP and UDP.
        [TCP, UDP]
    while 1:
        await asyncio.sleep(10)
