Hyper-usable HTTP client

When I built my own REST framework it’s been necessary to also build a basic HTTP client. The reason I’ve done this is I wanted the client to be compatible with the existing capabilities this software offers like being able to easily leverage multiple network interfaces and utilize the external addresses they have access to.

In my opinion one design that absolutely nailed building services for the web was PHP so my HTTP client takes inspiration from that. First lets start with a basic GET request.

from p2pd import *

async def example():
    i = await Interface().start()
    addr = await Address("www.example.com", 80, i.route())
    curl = WebCurl(addr)
    url_params = {"q": "lets search!"}
    resp = await curl.vars(url_params).get("/")

if __name__ == '__main__':

The above code shows how you can send $_GET params to a website. Loosely speaking: the vars method is where $_GET and $_POST go. There is a method for get, post, and delete that cause such HTTP methods to occur. Here’s an example for POST:

from p2pd import *

async def example():
    i = await Interface().start()
    addr = await Address("www.example.com", 80, i.route())
    curl = WebCurl(addr)
    params = {"action": "upload"}
    payload = b"Data to POST!"
    resp = await curl.vars(

if __name__ == '__main__':

The design of this HTTP client results in copies of the objects properties being made for each call. This helps to encapsulate information and makes debugging a breeze. The return value of an API call is literally a new copy of the client but with additional properties like pipe, out, and info - try exploring these fields!

The HTTP client also supports custom HTTP headers. You can control underlying socket parameters with more detail by passing in a custom NET_CONFIG dictionary to the get, post, and delete methods. This structure is detailed at the bottom here: here.

class WebCurl():
    def __init__(self, addr, throttle=0, do_close=1, hdrs=[]):
        throttle = a second timeout to delay a request by.
        do_close = whether or not the underlying pipe is closed (
            useful if you're streaming data and such.)
        hdrs = Custom HTTP request headers e.g.:
            [[b"user-agent", b"toxiproxy-cli"]]
    async def get(self, path, hdrs=[], conf=NET_CONF):