
In P2PD all messages are sent and received via pipes. Pipes are simply the name given to the object providing a common list of functions for transmission and message processing. A pipe supports UDP or TCP; IPv4 or IPv6; and can be used for clients or servers.

async def pipe_open(proto, dest=None, route=None, sock=None, msg_cb=None, up_cb=None, conf=NET_CONF):
    proto  = TCP or UDP.
    dest   = If it's a client pipe a destination should be included.
            ('host/ip', port)
            A server includes no destination - None
    route  = Route object that's been bound with await route.bind().
    sock   = Used to wrap a pre-existing socket in a pipe. If the protocol is
            TCP and dest is included the socket is assumed to be connected.
    msb_cb = A message handler registered with servers before they're started
            so that messages aren't received before a handler is setup.
    up_cb  = A handler is started when the underlying pipe is connected.
    conf  = A dictionary describing many different configuration options for
            changing various properties of the pipe.

    More details on msg_cb format and conf format later.
    Returns: a pipe object.

Whether a pipe is for a client or server, UDP or TCP, IPv4 or IPv6, every pipe works the same. Pipes are able to queue messages or process them as they arrive. They pass such messages to any handlers (to process in real-time) or add them to a message queue (to be processed later).

Interface selection

In network programming its very common to write code that doesn’t manually choose a network interface. The reason for this is arguably because its hard to do; If you don’t specify an interface the code will still work. But you’ll have to be fine using the default chosen by the OS.

For some applications this is fine. Maybe the only thing that matters is whether the code works. But other applications might want to be more nuanced. Imagine a server that has multiple interfaces and it wants to select what ones to listen on. Or perhaps a torrent client that wants to work across interfaces (and Internet connections) to increase download speed.


Normally in P2PD you would choose an interface and a route to use for a pipe. But to simplify these examples no route is given. In which case – the default interface is loaded for each pipe. This is very inefficient as STUN will lookup external addressing each time!

TCP echo server example

Starts a simple TCP server that writes back received data down the client pipes for the sender. If this example works you should see nothing. Notice that msg handlers include a field for the senders addressing information and a pipe that can be used to interact with that client.

from p2pd import *

async def msg_cb(msg, client_tup, pipe):
    await pipe.send(msg, client_tup)

async def example():
    # Start the server and use msg_cb to process messages.
    server = await pipe_open(TCP, msg_cb=msg_cb)

    # Connect to the server.
    # Use the IP of the route and unused port for the destination.
    dest = server.sock.getsockname()[0:2]
    client = await pipe_open(TCP, dest)
    # Send data to the server and check receipt.
    msg = b"test msg."
    await client.send(msg)
    out = await client.recv()
    assert(msg == out)
    # Close both.
    await client.close()
    await server.close()

# From inside the async REPL.
if __name__ == '__main__':

UDP await example

In Python if you want to do asynchronous networking you normally have to write different code for UDP and TCP. Python has decent enough classes for TCP clients (stream readers) – though UDP has no such equivalent. As for servers Python offers protocol classes. Wouldn’t it be great if you could use either style on either protocol?

Here’s an example of how simple P2PD makes this. Here I’m using await for UDP which is based on message queues. Since there is no delivery guarantees for UDP it’s possible this example throws a timeout error for you. Note that the await for the recv is fully asynchronous. The event loop is free to run other tasks until a message is received.

import binascii
from p2pd import *

async def example():
    # Open a UDP pipe to google's STUN server.
    pipe = await pipe_open(UDP, ("stun.l.google.com", 19302))
    # Random STUN message ID.
    msg_id = binascii.hexlify(rand_b(12))
    #  req  = req type    len     magic cookie
    req_hex = b"0001" + b"0000"  + b"2112A442"  + msg_id
    req_buf = binascii.unhexlify(req_hex)
    # UDP is unreliable -- try up to 3 times.
    for _ in range(0, 3):
        # Send STUN bind request and get resp.
        await pipe.send(req_buf)
        resp = await pipe.recv()
        # Timeout -- try again.
        if resp is None:
        # Show resp -- exit loop.
    # Cleanup.
    await pipe.close()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Pipe methods

Pipes are an instance of the PipeEvents class that provides many useful methods and properties for working with connections (TCP or UDP.) Assume all of these methods are of the form ‘pipe.method_name()’ and that they ‘belong’ to a PipeEvents class instance.

def add_msg_cb(self, msg_cb)

When a pipe receives a message it will also forward it to any installed message handlers.


async def msg_cb(msg, client_tup, pipe)

The msg_cb also doesn’t have to be an async callback but keep in mind if it’s given as a regular function you will have to use asyncio.create_task to schedule any callbacks and you won’t be able to await them. Since the whole library uses async await it’s best to use an async method.

Using message handlers like this is useful because you can install them for either a server pipe or a client pipe and it will automatically be called when there’s a new message. No need to run your own loop and call await on them The event loop handles it.

def del_msg_cb(self, msg_cb)

Removes a function reference designated by msg_cb from the pipe’s msg_cbs.

def add_end_cb(self, end_cb)

When a connection is closed manually or forcefully the end_cb handlers are called.


async def end_cb(msg, client_tup, pipe)

Where message is set to None.

def del_end_cb(self, end_cb)

Removes a function reference designated by end_cb from the pipe’s end_cb handlers.

def add_pipe(self, pipe)

Pipes can be made to route messages to other pipes.

  1. Messages received at pipe_a will be sent down pipe_b.

  2. Messages received at pipe_b will be sent down pipe_a.

This doesn’t cause looping as the messages get sent to the destination rather than the pipe itself. Linking pipes together is the trick used in the P2PD REST API for ‘converting’ an active HTTP connection into a two-way relay to an active P2P connection in only two lines of code.

def del_pipe(self, pipe)

Unlink ‘pipe’ from self.

async def close(self)

Closes all resources associated with a pipe. If it’s a server it will stop serving any clients and all client connections will be closed. All sockets will be closed forcefully. Server’s that immediately reuse the same port may experience errors where they fail to receive designated packets. There may be a solution to this by setting SO_LINGER to enabled and using a zero timeout. But using this option on client TCP sockets on Windows prevents the hole punching algorithm from working so this needs to only be considered for server sockets.

Additional pipe options

A default dictionary of configuration options is passed to each pipe. The options look like this:

    # Seconds to use for a DNS request before timeout exception.
    "dns_timeout": 2,

    # Wrap socket with SSL.
    "use_ssl": 0,

    # Timeout for SSL handshake.
    "ssl_handshake": 4,

    # Protocol family used for the socket.socket function.
    "sock_proto": 0,

    # N seconds before a registering recv timeout.
    "recv_timeout": 2,

    # Only applies to TCP.
    "con_timeout": 2,

    # No of messages to receive per subscription.
    "max_qsize": 0,

    # Require unique messages or not.
    "enable_msg_ids": 0,

    # Number of message IDs to keep around.
    "max_msg_ids": 1000,

    # Reuse address tuple for bind() socket call.
    "reuse_addr": False,

    # Setup socket as a broadcast socket.
    "broadcast": False,

    # Buf size for asyncio.StreamReader.
    "reader_limit": 2 ** 16,

    # Return the sock instead of the base proto.
    "sock_only": False,

    # Enable closing sock on error.
    "do_close": True,

    # Whether to set SO_LINGER. None = off.
    # Non-none = linger value.
    "linger": None,

    # Retry N times on reply timeout.
    "send_retry": 2,

    # Ref to an event loop.
    "loop": None

# Here's where to use these options.
pipe = pipe_open(TCP, route, dest, conf=NET_CONF)