Peer-to-peer demo
P2PD includes a simple text-based program to try out it’s p2p networking features without fooling around with code. After installing the software try the command python3 -m p2pd.demo
The software will then load your network interfaces and start a peer-to-peer node. You can select some basic options for the program such as connecting to another peer. You can use the same software to spin up another node to connect to.
Or run the software on another machine, get its address, and try that. Should be a good way to see what the project is about. Output is similar to the capture listed bellow.
Loading networking interfaces...
enp0s25 (v4)
symmetric nat; equal delta = 0
wlx00c0cab5760d (v4)(v6)
full cone nat; equal delta = 0
Starting node...
Loading STUN clients...
Loaded (done)
Loading MQTT clients...
mqtt = 1; 2; 0;
Loading NTP clock skew...
Clock skew = 0.05983363091945648193359375
Starting UPnP task...
Node started = addr
Node port = 47317
Node nickname = your_addr.peer
(0) Connect to a node using its nickname or address.
(1) Start accepting connections (this stops the input loop)
(2) Start additional node for testing (for self punch.)
(3) Register a unique nickname for your node.
(4) Exit program.
Select option: 0
Enter nodes nickname or address: some.peer
Connection methods:
TCP: (d)irect, (r)everse, (p)unch; UDP: (t)urn
Default (drp): t
Enabled connection pathways:
WAN: (e)xternal, LAN: (l)ocal
Default (el):
Connection in progress... Please wait...
p2p: <nodeid> Translating 'addr.peer'
Loaded addr b'...'
p2p: <nodeid> Resolved 'addr.peer' = '...'
p2p: <nodeid> <upnp> Forwarded wan:14985 on Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz
got return addr
Loaded updated addr ...
p2p: <nodeid> Connecting to '...'
p2p: <nodeid> <relay> Trying external wan1 -> wan2 on 'Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz'
p2p: <nodeid> <relay> Trying external wan2 -> wan1 on 'Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz'
p2p: <nodeid> Whitelist ['wan2', 59630] -> ('turn relay', 53249) to 'Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz'
p2p: <nodeid> <relay> Established external ('ip', 53249) -> ('ip', 65086) on 'Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz'
p2p: <nodeid> <relay> Established external ('ip', 53249) -> ('ip', 65086) on 'Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz'
Connection open.
<socket.socket fd=1364, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 53571)>
Basic echo protocol.
Echo: hello
recv = b' hello\n'
Echo: testt
recv = b' testt\n'